Pilates Rehabilitation
Get the best possible rehabilitation to suit your needs.
Pilates can remedy most injuries. At Pilates Cph, we have many years of experience in rehabilitation and individual training for back injuries and problems, hip or pelvic injuries, knee and foot problems, injuries in the elbows, shoulders, and neck and more.
Pilates training is trained on custom-designed equipment that assists and accommodates all special needs and is used to enhance your mobility, as well as strengthen the body in all functions.
Pilates is a highly specialized training system that was developed for rehabilitation of wounded soldiers during World War I. Today, Pilates is still the most advanced training method and can be tailored to all needs and improve any body. In order for your rehabilitation to be the greatest possible success, it is important to focus on the small details of all movements, and this is where we can help. We are with you all the way in your training, helping and guiding you so that you learn to move as is best for your body. There are no random exercises because your program is carefully and precisely designed to improve your function with the least pain and nuisance. Our rehabilitation program usually starts with individual training and will eventually lead you to be ready for training in our small classes over time.
If you are interested in individually tailored rehabilitation or have questions about your injuries and our services, please contact us at info@pilatescph.dk.
Some of our specialised areas:
Shoulder or neck injury
Lower back pain
Arthritis and hernias
After hospitalization
Pregnancy and after birth
Wear damage
Paralysis after a stroke
Broken bones
Following knee/hip surgery
Breathing problems
Following treatments with physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths or other therapists (and need guidance for further rehabilitation)
Contact us at info@pilatescph.dk to get an appointment with an instructor before buying a clip.
Cancellations must be made no later than 24 hours before the booking.
Contact us for booking
Level 1:
Camilla, Gitte
1 clip – 749 DKK
5 clips – 3.695 DKK
10 clips – 7.195 DKK