Welcome to Pilates Cph

Do you want to train Pilates in Copenhagen – Pilates Cph is one of Copenhagen’s leading Pilates studios – We have existed since 2008.

You will find us in the heart of Copenhagen, at Nørregade 26. In our studio you can train all forms of pilates, and whether you prefer team- or personal training, we have room for you.

It is important to us that you feel welcome and comfortable

And remember! Pilates is not about how the body looks, but how it feels to live in the body.

We offer all forms of Pilates

Our instructors are highly trained and dedicated, and our goal is to strength and move your body towards the strongest version of itself.

Many of us feel  discomfort or pain in the body on a daily basis. Pilates can relieve most ailments in your body. You can train in small groups with a maximum of 10 participants or you can book private lessons so the training meets your needs exactly.

Pilates Classes

We have matwork classes at all levels. We offer classess with springboards and props, so there is an opportunity to vary the training.

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Pilates træning

Pilates Reformer/Tower

Get individual guidance and more challenges with pilates reforms/tower training.

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Pilates Private & Duet

With personal training you get the maximum out of your training. Train alone or with a training partner.

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Pilates træning

Pilates Prenatal

Experience increased well-being during your pregnancy and get in the best possible shape for the birth at our prenatal pilates class .

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Pilates Postpartum

Pilates Postpartum class helps you get back in shape after giving birth.

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New to Pilates

Try our Introduction courses for Matwork- and Springboard classes or Reformer/Tower classes.

Intro for Classes

Join our three weeks intro course for only DKK 399,-

Please note, that the course is offered in Danish and English.

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Pilates medlemskaber

Intro for Reformer/Tower

Join our three weeks intro course for only DKK 599,-

During the course you will be introduced to train at the Reformer and Tower system.

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You can either buy a membership, introduction course, vouchers or duet and private lessons.

Take a look at our prices here (scroll down for english;)

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“Regular practitioners of Pilates feel a heightened sense of awareness and ease in their bodies, experiencing less pain and increased mobility. This freedom ultimately leads to increased satisfaction in life!”

Joseph Hubertus Pilates


“If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.”

Joseph Hubertus Pilates


In 10 sessions, you feel better, 20 sessions you look better, 30 sessions you have a completely new body.

Joseph Hubertus Pilates


Pilates Cph
Nørregade 26B
1165 København K

e-mail: info@pilatescph.dk


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